DIY Turbo-5000 electricturbines. Activate like NOS system – for all cars

Product Description
DIY Turbo-5000 electric turbines.
Activate like NOS system.
Electric Turbine motor will turn ON when you presshalf/full pedal.
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Improve engine compression ratio 30%,
Save petrol 20 - 30%,
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Emissions for all sizes of vehicles converted to use:
Tube/hose/pipe diameter; 3-inch (76 mm)
Metal turbine wheel;
14V 8A 100 W 12,000 rpm speed 12M
Air Filter Size ; small head diameter 105 mm. The bulk of150 mm in diameter. 130 mm high. Interface 76 mm with stainless steel clamps 1
With; (Control Harness)
1. Relay .
2. Relay plug
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4. With a line of electrical plugs,
5. Start Switch,
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Package size; 150mmx150mmx150mm wide,
Price: Promotion price RM280 (normal Price RM380)
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